Overview: Adding Activities to a Edspora Course

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Edspora includes the standard tools you’d expect from any learning management system including forums, assignments, and quizzes, along with collaborative activities such as wikis, glossaries, and databases. Other activities facilitate taking attendance and group self-selection to help manage your course.

Activities appear on your course page as a link proceeded by an icon indicating the activity type. The activity settings let you control conditions for submitting, grading, and assignment to groups. Activities can be graded by TAs (Non-editing teachers) and instructors (Teachers). They can be added, moved, hidden, and edited by a Teacher or Course Designer. 

Types of activities

For a description of available activities, see Overview: Activity Types in Edspora

Add an Activity using the Activity Chooser

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on.
  2. In the Section where you want the activity to appear, click + Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser dialog opens.
  3. Select an activity. The right side of the dialog will change to show a description of the activity and support links.
  4. Click Add. The Settings page for the activity will open.
  5. Configure the settings for the activity.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save and return to course or Save and display.
    Note: Many activities, including AttendanceQuizzesGlossaries, and Databases, require additional setup from within the activity. If you returned to the course page, click the activity to open the activity and complete your set up.

After adding an activity

Once you have added an activity, you can:

  • Move the activity link on the course page with the Move icon. You can drag items between Sections (if you use the Collapsed topics format, the target section must be open).
  • Configure the settings for the activity. Locate the activity you want to configure and click Edit (below the item), then Edit settings. This will bring you to the settings page. 
  • Hide an activity that you are not ready to release to students or show a hidden activity. Locate the activity you want to hide or show and click Edit (to the right of the item). From the drop-down menu, select Hide or Show
  • Change your role to Student to test submitting an activity (e.g., to submit and test scoring on a quiz) by locating your Profile link in the top right corner (you will see your name and your set profile image). Click on either your name or the image to open the drop-down menu, then select Switch role to… from the drop-down menu. A new page will open, select Student.
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