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Sometimes, it is necessary to adjust a quiz in order to accommodate students who need more time or for users with special circumstances. Edspora offers the ability to modify a student’s attempt settings without having to duplicate the quiz itself or alter the original settings. Follow the steps below to add a User override for a particular student.
Modifying a quiz
- Click on the quiz that you wish to adjust for your student.
- Navigate to the Administration block and select User overrides.
- Click on the Add user override button.
- Click on a student’s name in the Override user list (you can only make adjustments one student at a time).
- Using the remaining options on the page, modify any setting(s) that you would like this particular student to have for that quiz.
- Make sure to set the date and the time limit correctly.
- When you are finished, scroll to the bottom of the page and select Save (or select Save and enter another override if you wish to add another override).
- You have now adjusted the quiz for that particular student. When he/she attempts the quiz, the newly adjusted settings will be in effect.