How To: Add Quiz Activity in Edspora

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Quiz in Edspora is a powerful and adaptive activity that instructors can customize in numerous ways. This page explains how to add a Quiz activity to your course and reviews the many options you can set for delivering a quiz and providing feedback, for example, how many times it may be attempted, and whether students see feedback immediately or only after the quiz is closed.

This article covers creating a Quiz activity and setting the options available on the activity settings page. Once you have added the quiz you must open it to add questions. .

Add a Quiz Activity

  1. On your course page, select Turn editing on. Links and icons will appear on the page.
  2. Locate the Section where you will add the Quiz. (If you are using the Collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
  3. At the bottom-right of the Section, select + Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser will open.
  4. In the Activity chooser, select Quiz. The activities will be listed in the alphabetical order and a description will be displayed at right.
  5. Select Add. The Adding a new Quiz page will open.
  6. Configure settings for the Quiz. For detailed information on these options, see Overview: Configure Quiz Options.
  7. At the bottom of the page, click Save and display

Configuring a quiz activity

Quizzes in Edspora have extensive configuration options.  Read more about these configuration options in the article Overview: Configure Quiz Options.

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