How To: Add a Questionnaire Activity in Edspora

The Questionnaire activity allows you to survey your students using a wide range of question types. For example, you can collect informal/ungraded student feedback on your course or on a particular topic. You can view all responses or individual student’s responses (and control whether or not students see only their own response), and you can download the data collected in a .csv file.


  • Unlike the Quiz activity, the Questionnaire activity is designed primarily to gather information from students, not to assess or test their knowledge. You can, however, set up the questionnaire so that students receive a grade if they complete the activity.
  • Edspora also offers the Choice activity, for single question polls.
  • The questions used in a Questionnaire activity are not saved in the Edspora Quiz Question Bank, nor can questions from the Question Bank be used in a questionnaire. 

Questionnaire Features

You can create a survey using the following types of questions:

  • Check Boxes
  • Date
  • Dropdown box
  • Essay box (for paragraph-length or longer response)
  • Label
  • Numeric
  • Radio buttons
  • Rate (using a numeric scale, e.g. from 1 to 5)
  • Text box (for a brief one line response)
  • Yes/no

You can also place:

  • Page breaks (to divide the questions into a multi-page survey)
  • Text labels (e.g., to display information or instructions between questions)

Create a Questionnaire

  1. On your main course page, click Turn editing on (top right). Editing icons and links will appear.
  2. Locate the Topic or Weekly Section where you will add the questionnaire activity. (If you are using the Collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
  3. At the bottom-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or resource. The Add an activity or resource window will open.
  4. In the Add an activity or resource window, select Questionnaire and then click Add. The Adding a new Questionnaire page will open.
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the questionnaire (Required).
  6. In the Description field, enter the text you want students to see at the top of the questionnaire. This text precedes the actual questions, which you will specify in a separate step after you finish adding the activity. 
  7. Click the Timing heading to set start and end dates limiting when students may take the questionnaire.
    Note: The Timing settings allow students to view results even after the end date, whereas the Restrict Access setting (see below) completely hides all parts of the activity from view.
    • Use Open Date allows you to set a date and time when students can start responding to the questionnaire. If disabled, the questionnaire becomes available for students to take immediately upon its creation.
    • Use Close Date lets you select the date and time after which students cannot take the questionnaire. If disabled, the activity is available indefinitely.
  8. Click the Response options heading to customize the way student responses are handled:
    Type determines the frequency with which students may respond:
    • Respond many (default) allows unlimited responses.
    • Respond once, daily, weekly, or monthly restricts how often a student may respond.Respondent Type sets whether results will show students’ names:
    • Full name displays the full names of your students with each response
    • Anonymous removes the student names from responses.
      Note: When set to Anonymous, instructors will not see names listed in the survey results, but CAN see whether a student has submitted a questionnaire by checking the Reports for the activity. The report will not identify a particular attempt except by a timestamp. Students can view ALL responses determines whether and when students can view a summary of submitted responses (in addition to their own individual response, which they can view at any time):
    • After answering the questionnaire (default): Students may view all submitted responses only after submitting their own response.
    • After the questionnaire is closed: Students may view all submitted responses after the questionnaire’s closing date/time (if set using the options in the Timing section above).
    • Always: Students can view submitted responses at any time, even if they have not answered the questionnaire first.Save/Resume answers
    • No (default) requires students to complete the questionnaire in one sitting.
    • Yes allows students to save answers, and return later to finish the questionnaire.Allow branching questions enables Yes/No and Radio Buttons questions to have child questions dependent on their choices in your questionnaire.
    • No (default) will not allow branching questions.
    • Yes will allow your questionnaire to have branching questions.Automatic numbering of questions and pages determines whether questions and/or pages will be automatically numbered. You might want to disable automatic numbering for questionnaires with conditional branching.
    • Auto number pages and questions (default): Both pages and questions will be automatically numbered.
    • Auto number pages: Only pages (not questions) will be automatically numbered.
    • Auto number questions: Only questions (not pages) will be automatically numbered.
    • Do not number questions or pages: Neither pages nor questions will be automatically numbered. Submission grade gives you the option to assign a grade to the questionnaire. Select a point value from the Submission grade drop-down menu. Note: Unlike with a Quiz activity, with a questionnaire you cannot grade each question; you can only specify one completion grade for submitting the questionnaire activity.
  9. Click the Content options heading to view and adjust the settings:
    • Select Create New to set up your questionnaire starting from a blank form and add questions one by one.
    • If you previously created a questionnaire in this course that you wish to reuse, or use as a starting point, select it from the list under Copy existing.
    • Select Use template if you have access to a questionnaire template and would like to use that template. 
  10. Under Common module settings and Restrict access (optional),you can control how students access the questionnaire. If Activity Completion is enabled in your course you may also configure Activity Completion settings.
  11. Click Save. You will be returned to the main course page. The next step is to add questions to your questionnaire.

Add (or Edit) Questions in a Questionnaire

  1. On your main course page, click the Name of the questionnaire you want to modify. The Questionnaire activity will open.
  2. If your questionnaire does not yet contain any questions, click Add questions.
  3. Click the Questions tab. The list of questions will appear.
  4. Select a question type from the drop-down menu (set by default to Check Boxes) and click Add selected question type.
    Note: To edit an existing question, click the Edit Settings icon next to the question name.
  5. Configure each question. For all question types:
    • Provide a name for the question in the Question Name text box.
    • Specify whether the question must be answered in order to complete the questionnaire by selecting Yes or No for Response is required.
    • Format other settings according to the question type. 
  6. Click Save changes to finish adding a new question.
    Note: If you are editing an existing question, you can optionally click Save as New Question to create a new question instead of replacing the existing question. You can use this option to create a series of questions that are similar to each other.
  7. To preview your questions, click the Preview tab.

View Responses

  1. On your course page, click the link to the questionnaire. The Questionnaire activity will open.
  2. If students have submitted responses, you will see a link titled View All Responses. Click View All Responses. The View All Responses page will open.
  3. By default, all responses will display grouped by question, with all the responses submitted for that question. To view responses grouped by student, click the View All Responses tab, then click List of responses (below the tabs). Each student’s name will be displayed on a single page, and you will be able to click on a students’ name to view responses by that individual.

Download Responses as a text (CSV) file

This feature enables you to save all the responses of a questionnaire to a text file (CSV). This file can then be imported into a spreadsheet (e.g. MS Excel, Apple Numbers or Open Office Calc) or a statistical package for further processing the data.

  1. On your course page, click the link to the activity (not the Update icon). The questionnaire activity will open.
  2. If students have submitted responses, you will see a tab titled View All Responses. Click the View All responses tab. All responses will be displayed for each question.
  3. While in the Summary view, in the third row of tabs, click Download in text format (at right). The Options for text download (CSV) page opens.
  4. On the Options for text download (CVS) page, choose one or both options:
    • Include choice codes applies only to certain question types (e.g., radio buttons or dropdown boxes) that require the student to pick from one of a few limited choices. Edspora uses a ‘choice code’ to denote the selected choice. For example, if a question had three radio button choices “Red”, “Blue”, or “Green”, the corresponding choice codes would be the numbers 1, 2, and 3, to indicate the first, second, and third choices respectively.
    • Include choice text downloads the text for the choice.
      Select one checkbox to download just the code or just the text. Select both checkboxes to include both the codes and the text for the choices in the downloaded text file.
  5. Click Download. The text file will be saved to a location on your computer based on your browser settings. For example, if you are using Safari on a Mac, the default setting is to save downloaded files automatically to your Downloads folder. Note: The text file will be saved in the .csv (Comma Separated Values) format as a tab delimited file that any spreadsheet program will be able to open. Edspora uses the ‘tab’ (tabulation) character as the separator instead of commas to allow student responses to include a comma as punctuation.

How To: Add a Forum Activity in Edspora

Instructors and students can communicate and collaborate using Edspora Forums. Instructors can create discussion topics or, depending on the forum type, allow students to originate topics. Course members can then post replies, and subscribe if they want to receive an email copy of each post made to a particular forum.

Forum Types

There are multiple forum types in Edspora. Some forum types allow only the instructor to start a new topic, and others allow students to start new topics. Choose the type of forum that makes sense for the activity you are asking your students to do:

  • Single simple discussion – Only one topic, started by the instructor, is allowed. This is best suited for short-term, focused conversations.
  • Each person posts one discussion – Each student may start one new topic. Students are not limited in the number of replies they can post within those topics.
  • Q and A forum – An instructor posts one topic, for example, posing a question to students. Students must post their response before they can view other students’ responses.
  • Standard forum for general use – Allow multiple topics arranged in a threaded conversation. Students may start new topics in this format.
  • Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format – Allow multiple topics listed with the most recent topic at the top of the page and replies behind a link. Students may start new topics in this format.
  • Individual student journals – Edspora does not come with a preset option for student journals, but you can set one up using a forum to create either a private journal where only instructors can read student posts, or blog-like individual journals that everyone in the course can read. 
  • Announcements – This unique forum is automatically created in each course for instructors to post announcements. By default, comments are not allowed, only instructors and TAs can post to the forum, and all course participants receive an email copy of each post.

Add a New Forum to Your Course

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on (green pencil icon, top right). Editing icons and links will appear.
  2. Locate the course Section where you plan to add the forum. (If you are using the Collapsed topics format, open the Section.)
  3. At the bottom-right of the Section, click + Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser will open.
  4. In the Activity chooser, select Forum and then click Add. The Adding a new Forum page will open.
  5. On the Forum page, configure settings for the forum.
  6. Click Save and return to course.

Configure Forum Options

When you add a Forum activity to a Edspora course, you can choose from a number of settings. Click particular headings to view those settings, or Expand all (top right) to view all settings. This section describes each setting.


  • Forum name (required) – This name displays as a link to the forum on your course page. Use something unique that clearly identifies this forum from other course activities. We also recommend keeping the name short.
  • Description – We strongly recommend that you use this space to explain the purpose of the forum to your students. For example, you might describe how often students should post, how many posts and replies they should make, and/or the expectations about post content. The Description will be visible to students when they click the forum link.
  • Display description on course page – Select this option to display the description underneath the assignment link on your course page. (This works best if the description is very concise).
  • Forum type – Select a forum type from the drop-down menu. The default is Standard forum for general use

Attachments and word count

  • Maximum attachment size – Each attachment cannot exceed this file size. (If a student can attach multiple files, and attaches files at different times, the total can exceed the set size.)
  • Maximum number of attachments – Each student will be able to upload up to the maximum number of attachments for their submission.
  • Display word count – This setting specifies whether the word count of each post should be displayed or not.

Subscription and tracking

  • Subscription mode – Subscription mode allows students to choose to subscribe to the forum and receive an email copy of each post made. The subscription choices include:
    • Optional subscription by default (recommended).
    • Forced subscription – Everyone is subscribed and cannot unsubscribe (not recommended in most cases).
    • Auto subscription – Everyone is subscribed initially but can choose to unsubscribe at any time.
    • Subscription disabled – Subscriptions are not allowed.
  • Read tracking – If enabled, participants can track read and unread posts in the forum and in discussions.  By default, this is set to Optional, and forum tracking is controlled by individual users. If set to Off, read and unread posts are not tracked.


  • RSS feed for this activity – RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds in Edspora enable people to stay up to date with forum posts. Select Discussions or Posts from the drop-down menu to choose what content will be included in the feed.
  • Number of RSS recent articles – If the RSS feed is enabled for this activity, this setting specifies the number of articles (either discussions or posts) to include in the RSS feed. Between 5 and 20 is generally acceptable.

Post threshold for blocking

  • Time period for blocking – This setting limits the number of posts students can make in a period of time. Choose the time period within which to block students from posting from the Time period for blocking drop-down menu.​
  • Post threshold for blocking – If a time period for blocking has been set, this setting specifies the maximum number of posts which a user can post in the given time period.
  • Post threshold for warning – Students can be warned as they approach the maximum number of posts allowed in a given period. This setting specifies after how many posts they are warned.


  • Grade category – Select a Category in your gradebook under which you would like the assignment grade to be placed. 


You can grade your students’ posts using Ratings. Instructors and TAs can rate each post a student makes, and the ratings are aggregated into a single grade in the gradebook.

  • Roles with permission to rate – Once the forum activity has been saved, you will be able to see the roles Edspora users must have in order to submit ratings. The list of roles may be amended via the permissions link in the Actions menu.
  • Aggregate type – The aggregate type defines how ratings are combined to form the final grade in the gradebook.  Choose from one of the following options in the Aggregate type drop-down menu:
    • No ratings – If selected, then the activity will not appear in the gradebook.
    • Average of ratings – The mean of all ratings.
    • Count of ratings – The number of rated items becomes the final grade. Note that the total cannot exceed the maximum grade for the activity.
    • Maximum ratings – The highest rating becomes the final grade.
    • Minimum ratings – The smallest rating becomes the final grade.
    • Sum on ratings – All ratings are added together. Note that the total cannot exceed the maximum grade for the activity.
  • Scale – If an aggregate type has been selected, you may select the type of grading used for this activity. If Scale is chosen, you can then choose the scale from the Scale drop-down menu. If using Point grading, you can then enter the maximum grade available for this activity.
  • Restrict ratings to items with dates in this range – If this check box is selected, you can set a specific date range during which a post must be made in order to receive a grade.

Common Module Settings

  • Visible – Set whether or not an assignment is visible to students. By default, new assignments are set to Show. (This is comparable to using the Hide/show icon for the activity on your course page.)
  • ID number – Setting an ID number identifies the activity for grade calculation purposes. 
  • Group mode and Grouping – These options let you restrict the assignment to particular groups of students you have already created in Edspora.

Restrict Access

To add restrictions on accessing the activity, click Add restriction. The Add restriction window will open, containing the following options:

  • Date – Prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time.
  • Grade – Require students to achieve a specified grade.
  • User profile – Control access based on fields within the student’s profile.
  • Restriction set – Add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.

If you have groups in your course, you will see the following additional options:

  • Group -Allow only students who belong to a specified group, or all groups.
  • Grouping – Allow only students who belong to a group within a specified grouping.

Add a New Topic to a Forum

Depending on the type of forum, students may be able to add topics as soon as the activity is available, or the instructor may need to initiate the discussion by posting a topic. For example, instructors must post a question to a Q & A forum before students can post.

To add a new topic to a forum:

  1. Click the link to the forum activity (not the edit icon, but the link to open the forum). The Forum page will open, showing the description you provided when you set up the activity. If no topics or posts have been added, you see “There are no discussion topics yet in this forum.”
  2. If working with groups in the forum:
    • To make the posts visible only to a particular group, set the Group mode for the forum to Separate (on the Settings page for the forum). Then, to post a topic on the Your new discussion topic page, from the Groups drop-down menu (at top of page), select the group name.
    • To post a topic that will be visible to all groups to read, but to which only a particular group can reply, set the Group mode for the forum to Visible (on the Settingspage for the forum). Then, to post on the Your new discussion topic page, from the Groups drop-down menu (at top of page), select group name
    • To post the same topic for all groups, leave the Groups menu set to All participants
    • To sort posts that have been posted, on the Forum page, from the Groups drop-down menu (at top of page), select the group name.
    • Click Add a new discussion topic (for a Q & A forum click Add a new question). The Your new discussion topic page will open.
  3. On Your new discussion topic page enter a subject and a message (both required).
  4. If the subscription is set to Optional in the forum’s settings, select the Discussion subscription checkbox to receive email copies of posts made to this forum. (This will affect you, not your students.)
  5. You may choose to add an attachment.
  6. Select the Mail now checkbox if you do not want the standard 30-minute delay before subscribers receive an email.
  7. Click Post to forum to post your message.
  8. You will be returned to the forum page with a confirmation message. 
  9. Once replies have been made, click the link to the topic to view replies or add additional replies to the thread. (If read tracking is enabled, the number of unread posts will be indicated and links highlighted.)

Close a Forum and Prevent Further Student Posts

To prevent further student contributions to a forum, change the Permissions for the activity to make it “read-only.”
Note: Unlike Restrict access settings, this method of closing a forum does not hide the grade for the activity from students, and allows them to read posts made before the forum closed.

  1. On your course page, click the link to the forum. The Forum page will open.
  2. On forum page open, select the Actions menu a drop-down Actions menu will open. 
  3. From the Actions menu drop-down list select Permissions (not Check Permissions). The Permissions in Forum screen will open.
  4. In the Advanced role override drop-down menu, choose Student.
  5. Under the bold heading Activity: Forum, select Prevent for the following:
          •  Reply to posts
          •  Start new discussions
    Do not change any other permissions.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the list of permissions and click Save changes. (Students will immediately lose their ability to post, but will still be able to read what has been posted on the forum.)

Overview: Assignment Options

Assignments have a significant amount of customization options.  Read below to learn more about all of the options available for assignments in Edspora.


  • Assignment name – This name displays as a link on your course page. Use something unique that clearly identifies this assignment from other course activities. We also recommend keeping the name short.
  • Description – Enter a summary of the assignment and instructions. You can also Display description on course page.Select this option to display the description underneath the assignment link on your course page. (This works best if the description is very concise).
  • Additional files – Drag and drop files into the upload field to append the file to the assignment Description.


Select Enable check boxes to set a date and time for:

  • Allow submissions from – Determines when students can begin to submit to the assignment.
  • Due date – Determines when the assignment will be due. The due date will show in the course Calendar and within the Activities block.
  • Cut-off date – Determine when the assignment will no longer accept submissions.

Submission Types

  • Submission types – With Online text, students can enter text directly into an editor.  If File submissions are enabled, students can upload one or more files. 
    Note: To create an offline assignment where students will submit or perform work outside Edspora, leave both Online text and File submissions unchecked. You can still provide a description, set due dates and have the activity show in the course Calendar and Gradebook.
  • Maximum number of uploaded files – If file submissions are enabled, each student will be able to upload up to the set number of files for their submission.
  • Maximum submission size – If file submissions are enabled, each upload cannot exceed this file size per upload. (If a student can upload multiple files, and uploads files at different times, the total can exceed the set size.)
  • Accepted file types – To limit submissions to specific file types, select ChooseA pop up window will open with file type options. Select the file types for which submissions you would like to enable by clicking the radio button next to each option. Select Save changes.

Feedback Types

  • Feedback comments – If enabled, graders can provide written feedback for each submission. These comments are from the grader to the student.
  • Feedback files – If enabled, graders can upload files containing feedback when marking assignments. For example, you can upload marked up student submissions, documents with comments, or spoken audio feedback.
  • Offline grading worksheet – If enabled, graders can download a spreadsheet to enter grades without having to be logged in to Edspora. This can be useful if you anticipate grading while disconnected from the Internet. 
  • Comment inline – If enabled, the submission text will be copied into the feedback comment field during grading, making it easier to comment inline or to edit the original text.

Submission Settings

  • Require students to click submit button – If enabled, students will have to select a Submit button to declare their submission as final. Requiring the Submit button allows students to keep a draft version of the submission on the system. Note: If this setting is changed from No to Yes after students have made submissions, the submissions will be regarded as final.
  • Require that students accept the submission statement – If enabled, students will be shown a statement that declares they are submitting their own original work and they will have to accept the statement before their submission is processed.
  • Attempts reopened – If set to Manually, the student’s submission can be reopened by a teacher. If set to Automatically until pass, the student’s submission is automatically reopened until the student achieves a passing grade (defined under Grade).
  • Maximum attempts – The maximum number of submission attempts that can be made by a student. After this number of attempts has been made, the student’s submission will not be able to be reopened.

Group Submission Settings

  • Students submit in groups – If enabled, students submit work together in groups rather than individually. For example, a group of students can submit one file that contains the joint work of the group. 
  • Require all group members submit – If enabled, all students in a group must individually select the Submit button in order to acknowledge that they are signing off on their group’s joint submission. Note: This option is available only if both the Students submit in groups and Require students select submit button are enabled.
  • Grouping for student groups – If Students submit in groups is enabled, this option shows which Grouping has been selected in the Common module settings (see below).


  • Notify graders about submissions If enabled, instructors and TAs will receive an email alert whenever a student makes a submission. (This may not be manageable in a class with a large number of students.)
  • Notify graders about late submissions – If enabled, instructors and TAs will receive an email alert whenever a submission is made after the due date.
  • Default setting for “Notify students” – If enabled, the default setting for notifying students when grades are released will be set in the assignment grading interface. This can be changed manually during grading. 

Note: Students always receive an email confirmation when a submission is successfully made.


  • Grade – Select the Grade Type
    • None – The assignment will be ungraded and worth no points. 
    • Point– Grade out of a simple number of maximum points. Enter the maximum possible score for the assignment in the Maximum points field. 
    • Scale –  Select a preset or custom Scale from the Scale drop-down.
  • Grading method – Choose Simple direct grading, Grading guide or Rubric to grade the assignment.
  • Grade category – Select a Category in your gradebook under which you would like the assignment grade to be placed. 
  • Blind grading – If enabled, instructors and TAs will not see student names when grading submissions. 
    Use grading workflow – When enabled, grading an assignment goes through a series of workflow stages: Not graded, In grading, Grading completed, In review, Ready for release, and Released. 
  • Use grading allocation – When both Use grading workflow and Use grading allocation are enabled, instructors can assign specific graders to grade specific students.

Common Module Settings

  • Availability – Set whether or not an assignment is visible to students. By default, new assignments are set to Show on course page. (This is comparable to using the Hide/Show icon for the activity on your course page.)
  • ID number – Setting an ID number identifies the activity for grade calculation purposes. 
  • Group mode, Grouping – These options let you restrict the assignment to particular groups of students you have already created in Edspora. 

Restrict Access

Use Restrict Access settings with care and check for conflicts with other settings you may have made for the activity. Settings may prevent students from accessing restricted content, including grades and due dates.

To add restrictions on accessing the activity, click Add restriction… The Add restriction window will open, containing the following options:

  • Date. To prevent access until (or from) a specified date and time.
  • Grade. To require students to achieve a specified grade.
  • User profile. To control access based on fields within the student’s profile.
  • Restriction set. To add a set of nested restrictions to apply complex logic.

If you have groups in your course, you will see the following additional options:

  • Group. To allow or prevent access only students who belong to a specified group, or all groups.
  • Grouping. To allow or prevent access only students who belong to a group within a specified grouping.

Overview: Adding Activities to a Edspora Course

Edspora includes the standard tools you’d expect from any learning management system including forums, assignments, and quizzes, along with collaborative activities such as wikis, glossaries, and databases. Other activities facilitate taking attendance and group self-selection to help manage your course.

Activities appear on your course page as a link proceeded by an icon indicating the activity type. The activity settings let you control conditions for submitting, grading, and assignment to groups. Activities can be graded by TAs (Non-editing teachers) and instructors (Teachers). They can be added, moved, hidden, and edited by a Teacher or Course Designer. 

Types of activities

For a description of available activities, see Overview: Activity Types in Edspora

Add an Activity using the Activity Chooser

  1. On your course page, click Turn editing on.
  2. In the Section where you want the activity to appear, click + Add an activity or resource. The Activity chooser dialog opens.
  3. Select an activity. The right side of the dialog will change to show a description of the activity and support links.
  4. Click Add. The Settings page for the activity will open.
  5. Configure the settings for the activity.
  6. At the bottom of the page, click Save and return to course or Save and display.
    Note: Many activities, including AttendanceQuizzesGlossaries, and Databases, require additional setup from within the activity. If you returned to the course page, click the activity to open the activity and complete your set up.

After adding an activity

Once you have added an activity, you can:

  • Move the activity link on the course page with the Move icon. You can drag items between Sections (if you use the Collapsed topics format, the target section must be open).
  • Configure the settings for the activity. Locate the activity you want to configure and click Edit (below the item), then Edit settings. This will bring you to the settings page. 
  • Hide an activity that you are not ready to release to students or show a hidden activity. Locate the activity you want to hide or show and click Edit (to the right of the item). From the drop-down menu, select Hide or Show
  • Change your role to Student to test submitting an activity (e.g., to submit and test scoring on a quiz) by locating your Profile link in the top right corner (you will see your name and your set profile image). Click on either your name or the image to open the drop-down menu, then select Switch role to… from the drop-down menu. A new page will open, select Student.

How To: Set up Multiple Choice Questions

In response to a question (that may include an image) the respondent chooses from multiple answers. There are two types of multiple choice questions – single answer and multiple answer.

Setting up multiple choice questions

  1. In the Question Bank, select the desired question category, then click Create a new question… and choose Multiple choice. The Adding a question screen will open.
  2. Give the question a descriptive name – this makes it easy to identify it in the question bank. The question name is not visible to students.
  3. Enter a passage of text into the Question text field. Images, audio, and video can also be inserted into this field using the HTML editor toolbar.
  4. Set the Default question grade by entering a numerical value (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).
  5. Choose whether students can only select one answer or multiple answers
  6. Choose whether to shuffle the answer options
  7. Write the first answer in the Choice 1 text field.  This will be one of the possible answers that students can select.  In addition, select a grade percentage for this answer, 100% to mark it as the correct answer.  Selecting values less than 100% will assign partial credit. Fill in the rest of the response choices in the rest of the form. Any unused areas will be ignored. Note: At least one of the choices needs to be marked as 100%.
  8. Click Save changes to add the question to the category.