How To: Edit your Edspora Profile and Preferences
Tags Edspora courses
In Edspora, you can access your profile by clicking on your name to open the user menu.
- In the upper right-hand corner of your Edspora screen where you see your login information.
- Anywhere else in Edspora that your name appears
Editing your profile
- Click on Profile in the user menu.
- Click on the Edit profile link under User details.
- Fill in fields in the form as described below.
- Scroll down and click on the Update profile button at the bottom of the page when you are finished.
- Return to your Edspora home page after updating your profile by clicking on Home in the upper left corner of the page.
Edit your preferences
Your Edspora Preferences determine whether forum subscriptions are sent as one daily email digest or as separate emails, and more.
- From the User menu (top right, your name and profile picture), select Preferences. Your Preferences page opens.
- On your Preferences page, under User account, you will find several links. We strongly recommend only editing Forum preferences. To do so, click Forum preferences.
- On the Forum preferences page, you may wish to adjust the following settings:
- To control email notifications from Forums you subscribe to, from the Email digest type drop-down menu choose between:
- No digest (single email per forum post) (default).
By default, you’ll receive an email every time a classmate or instructor posts to a discussion you are subscribed to. - Complete (daily email with full posts).
- Subjects (daily email with subjects only).
Digest emails are sent at approximately 5 p.m. each day and compile notifications from all your courses in Edspora.
Note: Digest settings do not affect email notifications sent when you make submissions in Edspora, or email messages sent by Quickmail (Quickmail emails are always delivered immediately).
- No digest (single email per forum post) (default).
- The Forum auto-subscribe setting determines whether you will automatically be subscribed and receive emails when new posts are made to forums in which you have participated. To avoid inbox overload, we recommend the default setting:
- No: don’t automatically subscribe me to forums discussions.
- The Forum tracking setting helps you to see which posts you have not yet viewed in a forum. We recommend the default setting:
- Yes: highlight new posts for me.
- To control email notifications from Forums you subscribe to, from the Email digest type drop-down menu choose between:
- At the bottom of the page, click Save changes.