How do I self-enroll or use an enrollment key for a resource course?

There are some resource courses in Edspora which have self-enrollment enabled. This way, if you have the enrollment key, you can manually add yourself to the course.

To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. Login to Edspora
  2. In the “Search courses” box in the center of the main page, search for the resource course in which you wish to self-enroll.
  3. In the list of courses in the search results, click on the name of the course in which you wish to self-enroll.
  4. Look for the “Enrollment key” section. In the image below this section is labelled “Orientation – Fall 2020.”
  5. Then click on the text to the right of the “Enrollment key” which reads, “Click to enter text.”
  6. Type in the enrollment key you were given. If you click the magnifying glass, you can see the characters you are typing.
  7. Then press ‘enter’ to save your enrollment key.
  8. Finally click the “Enroll me” button.
  9. You will be brought to the homepage for the course. Now, when you login to Edspora, you will see this course listed in your “My Courses” block/list.

If there are a number of announcements on the Edspora homepage and you cannot locate scroll down to locate the “Search courses” box, you can also click on the “Find a course” link in the “Main Menu” block.

Then put your search term(s) in this “Search courses” box instead.