There are some resource courses in Edspora which have self-enrollment enabled. This way, if you have the enrollment key, you can manually add yourself to the course.
To do this, follow the steps below.
- Login to Edspora
- In the “Search courses” box in the center of the main page, search for the resource course in which you wish to self-enroll.
- In the list of courses in the search results, click on the name of the course in which you wish to self-enroll.
- Look for the “Enrollment key” section. In the image below this section is labelled “Orientation – Fall 2020.”
- Then click on the text to the right of the “Enrollment key” which reads, “Click to enter text.”
- Type in the enrollment key you were given. If you click the magnifying glass, you can see the characters you are typing.
- Then press ‘enter’ to save your enrollment key.
- Finally click the “Enroll me” button.
- You will be brought to the homepage for the course. Now, when you login to Edspora, you will see this course listed in your “My Courses” block/list.
If there are a number of announcements on the Edspora homepage and you cannot locate scroll down to locate the “Search courses” box, you can also click on the “Find a course” link in the “Main Menu” block.
Then put your search term(s) in this “Search courses” box instead.